Royal Roots started as a need to find calm in a world full of mounting stresses.
We believe that quality of life can be improved by beginning with oneself.
Chakra wellness focuses on self healing and energy protection.
This is achieved through the seven chakras.
The natural healing properties of crystals, natural stones and essential oils is an affordable and non-invasive way to achieve such goals.
Natural methods of healing and energy protection have been around and practiced for thousands of years.
Everything we need is provided by nature.
Crystals have and can be used by people from all walks of life.There is no denomination.
They can be used by anyone and everyone.
At Royal Roots we intend to provide healing and energy protection products for all.
Our products are non-medical and should not be used in place of prescribed medical care. Please consult with a licensed physician on all medical matters.
Our goal is to raise the Earth’s vibrations one individual at a time.